Qiaoyu (Steven) Tan

Hello! I am an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at New York University (Shanghai) (NYU Shanghai), leading the Data-Centric AI and Network (TAN) Lab. Prior to NYU Shanghai, I received my Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof. Xia Hu at DATA Lab of TAMU, and B.Eng. under the advisory of Prof. Guoxian Yu at IDEA Lab of SWU. In TAN lab, our research interests are generally in machine learning and data mining, with a particular focus on graph machine learning, foundation models, efficient deep learning, and trustworthy AI. Our research is motivated by, and contributed to, applications in social media, recommendation systems, question answering, and bioinformatics.

We are currently dedicated to advancing Generative AI for Relational World, with a focus on enhancing the capabilities of LLMs for graph reasoning and user behavior modeling. Additionally, we aim to align LLMs with multi-modal data within the relational domain.

📢 Openings

Delta Lab is actively seeking talented students, post-doctoral research fellows, and fully-funded research assistants to join our team. If you are interested in any of these positions, please feel free to drop me an email. See Openings for details!

📢 Call for Paper


Honors and Awards


I received my Ph.D. degree in the CSCE Department at Texas A&M University in 2023 under the supervision of Dr. Xia Hu. I also hold a B.S. degree in Computer Science and Technology Department from Southwest University supervised by Dr. Guoxian Yu. Prior to my current position, I worked as a research intern at Alibaba Damo Academy and Samsung Research America.